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Charged with Unlawful Possession of Weapons?

Gun Law Attorneys in South Jersey

New Jersey Firearm & Weapons Charges

In the State of New Jersey, the Firearm statutes are all crimes of the second degree and contain mandatory periods of incarceration with parole ineligibility.  There are three basic firearm offenses under New Jersey statutes.   

Possession of Weapons for Unlawful Purposes and Unlawful Possession of Weapons.  These are distinct crimes.  

Possession of Weapons for Unlawful Purposes requires the State to prove that at the time that you possess the firearm, you intended to use it unlawfully against the person or property of another.  

Unlawful Possession of Weapons is when you are in possession of a firearm and you do not have a permit or license to carry that firearm, or to be in possession of it.  

The third type of offense is “Certain Persons Not to Have Weapons”.  This crime arises when you have previously been convicted of many different types of felonies, which then places you in the category, due to your previous conviction, of a certain person never to have a weapon.  This crime carries a term of five to ten years in New Jersey State Prison with a mandatory period of parole ineligibility of five years.  

The attorneys at Kahn and Lehrfeld have a great deal of experience and success in defending firearms cases.  Firearm cases carry significant penalties and you should contact us immediately after being charged. Our vast experience in handling these types of cases have provided with a multitude of defenses which could be available to you.  These include the illegal search and seizure of the car or residence where the firearm was found, or someone else owning the weapon but found in your possession.   

All firearm cases require aggressive representation and defense.


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