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Megan's Law List Removal

Megan’s Law Attorneys in South Jersey

Sex crimes, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, and Child Pornography may require a term of imprisonment.  Whether or not you receive a State Prison sentence, if convicted of one of these crimes, the State will require you to register as a sex offender pursuant to Megan’s Law.  

The first stage in Megan’s Law registration is the County Prosecutor’s determination of your proposed tier classification.  Your tier classification is very important in that it determines the level and degree of your reporting and registration requirements, as well as the possibility of neighborhood and internet reporting under Megan’s Law.  

Tier Classification

  • Tier 1 – This tier is for low-risk offenders. In other words, the chance of committing another sex offense is low. Getting placed into this tier results in fairly minimal consequences. If you are considered a Tier 1 offender, only law enforcement agencies will be notified of your sex offender status.
  • Tier 2 – You are placed in this tier if it is determined that you present only a moderate risk of committing another sex crime. Local law enforcement will be notified of your sex offender status as will any facility that cares for children such as schools and children’s camps. If you are placed into Tier 2, you may also have to register on the state’s sex offender registry.
  • Tier 3 – This is the most severe classification. It is reserved for those considered to be at a high risk for committing another sex crime. Law enforcement and facilities that care for children will be notified of your sex offender status. You will also have to register on New Jersey’s sex offender registry.

If you are facing the prospect of being placed in a Megan’s Law Tier, contact the attorneys at Kahn & Lehrfeld immediately so we may aggressively represent you in a timely manner in order to get the lowest tier classification possible.  

Termination of Megan’s Law

Attorneys at Kahn & Lehfeld have a great deal of success and expertise in removing you and terminating your enrollment in Megan’s Law registration.  

In order to be removed from Megan’s Law in New Jersey, you must file an application with the   Superior Court in the county in which you were convicted and satisfy certain requirements:

  • 15 years must pass from the date of your conviction or release from prison
  • The conviction must not have been for a violent sexual offense
  • You must have a clean criminal record since the original conviction
  • The court must determine that you do not pose a threat to the safety of others
  • In order qualify, your time on Megan’s Law must be free of significant violations

Call us the attorneys at Kahn & Lehrfeld immediately to discuss your from the Megan’s Law registration.


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